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If you think ChatGPT is disruptive enough, consider this...

ChatGPT is just one implementation of an autoregressive large language model (AR-LLM).

An autoregressive large language model (AR-LLM) is just one implementation of a large language model (LLM).

A large language model (LLM) is just one type of generative artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

A generative AI technology is just one type of AI technology.

An AI technology is just one type of autonomous cybernetic technology.

An autonomous cybernetic technology is just one type of cybernetic technology.

A cybernetic technology is just one type of technology.

All technologies have socio-economic effects, and the effects are determined by the technology characteristics in a given context. [1]

So if you think ChatGPT is disruptive enough, remember:

  • technological disruptions are not a new phenomenon;

  • but they are accelerating;

  • for the first time in history technologies are strongly cognitive (Vinge's strongly superhuman dimension); [2]

  • and disruptions to come will become broader, deeper and faster, as raw data processing and cognition powers will continue to improve at an accelerating rate.


[1] P. H. Albuquerque & S. Albuquerque, Social implications of technological disruptions: A transdisciplinary cybernetics science and occupational science perspective, 2023 IEEE International Symposium on Ethics in Engineering, Science, and Technology (ETHICS), West Lafayette, IN, USA, 2023, pp. 1-5.

[2] V. Vinge, Signs of the singularity, IEEE Spectrum, 2008.

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